Assessment of environmental load from food

-   Some examples of how you can use the database

Here you can download some examples of how food industries have used the database 
to answer concrete questions about their products.  You can also download a spreadsheet
in which you can perform LCA on a family meal.

These examples are not updated with the newest data, because the data is continuously improved. 
For the newest data please look in the SimaPro database.
LCA af måltider (LCA of a family meal) (Excel)
Brød til hapsdog – mulige miljøforbedringer i produktkæden  
(possible environmental improvements in the product chain of a bread product)
Osteklokke eller flowpack? - en livscyklusvurdering af Malteost 
(Environmental assessment of a convenience cheese) 
Miljøvurdering af slagtet svin  
(Environmental assessment of a slaughtered pig)
Oversigt over miljøpåvirkninger fra rundstykker  
(Overview of the the environmental load from bread rolls)

Miljøvurdering af en sandwich med skinke og ost
(Se kapitel 3.4 (s. 66) in Thodberg m.fl. (2004): Produktorienteret miljøindsats i landbrugssektoren -
forudsætninger, 2004.
You can find more examples in the SimaPro-database in the project “Examples”. 
Read here how to install and download.